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- Reviewed by Simon Plumbe
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- NO. OF DISKS : 3
- Do you remember the demo from 1990 that featured conversions of tunes from
- 100 games on the C64? Well, the authors, Håkan Sundell and Ron Birk recently
- released an updated version, with new features and, more importantly, even
- more tunes!
- The format of the "demo" if you can call it that, has been changed
- dramatically since its first release. No longer does it look like a demo or
- traditional music disk. Instead, the disk now runs under Workbench (don't
- scream!) and is far better for it!
- The release comes on 3 disks, one of which contains the sound player,
- PlaySID, and a few tunes, the others containing the remainder of the songs,
- taken from over 300 different games and demos. To load any of the tunes, it's
- simply a matter of clicking on the appropriate icon which then loads the
- music-data into the PlaySID program.
- The PlaySID display features the usual information at the top of the screen
- about the tune name, author and who owns the copyright to the tune, with the
- centre of the screen being given over to the equalizers. The controls
- available are quite limited, but they do the job - play, fast forward, stop
- which also quits the player) and turn filter on/off.
- Since its first release, the play routine has been vastly re-written with a
- large number of useful (and not so useful) features including the ability to
- handle sampled sounds (such as those found on later Martin Galway pieces),
- full compatability with NTSC machines and it is now fully multi-tasking
- (imagine writing letters while listening to C64 tunes from your Amiga!).
- The actual sound quality is almost perfect. There are a couple of problem
- areas with some of the sample-based songs, but for the most part they are
- VERY accurate conversions. There is also a very good selection of songs
- included on the initial 3 disk release including ALL of the tunes from the
- first release, as well as the music from Arkanoid, Wizball, Cybernoid, IK+
- and hundreds of others with music from Martin Galway, Rob Hubbard, Maniacs Of
- Noise, Jonathan Dunn, Matt Grey, Fred Gray, Chris Huelsbeck and probably any
- of the other major composers from that great machine!
- It's a shareware release, so you are encouraged to send the authors $15 if
- you like the software and in return they promise to send an updated version
- of the software (and no doubt some more tunes to go with it!).
- Future updates to the player are planned with faster emulation (multi-tasking
- IS slow at the moment), the option to display KOALA format C64 graphics, a
- built-in file requester, emulation of the C64's filter (the Amiga's filter
- makes all the songs appear to have a washed-out feel!), a jukebox facility
- (to play several tunes after each other) and any other features that
- registered users ask for!
- I have already seen other disks released with additional tunes so it's fairly
- obvious that this program is starting to get a fair amount of support and I
- can certainly see it continuing to do so in the future.
- Put simply, if you used to have a C64 and you loved the music, or if you love
- chip music on the Amiga, then this release is definately one you should look
- out for. I have always felt that when it comes to synth sounds, the Amiga
- still has real problems with achieving the same standards heard on the C64
- and you can't beat a good chip song for "atmosphere" and "feeling". Get this
- NOW!